MEMBER ACTIVITYPosts: 108Posts Per Day: 0.02 Last Activity: 7?Aug?2024 Join Date: 22?Apr?2006 | PERSONAL INFORMATIONNative Language: English |
BIOGRAPHYComing from the internet marketing industry developing and marketing websites since 1995, I got interested in marketing online gambling in 2004. Yes, a little late to the game considering the amount of time I've spent working on the web. The opportunity to be an online gambling affiliate was too attractive to ignore. Coming from a consulting background and new to gambling online, my partners and myself came up with the concept for PlayersJet. Since none of us had prior online gambling experience, we approached the industry with a fresh perspective on what would be important to people. What we quickly realized is that while there are thousands of places to gamble online and thousands of sites to tell you where to go gamble, there were very few websites that were truly trusted to give you non-biased information. PlayersJet was developed over a 6 month period, beginning with a ton of research into the industry and the formulation of a proprietary algorithm to rank online gambling sites on a 1 to 100 scale to act as a guide for gamblers looking for a place to play. We physically review every site in our database and keep it updated as details on websites change. | |
GPWA TIMES MAGAZINEStart with a good idea, figure out your niche and build a website that converts![]() Interview with webber286 - Issue 24, April 2013 Chris discusses the importance of trust, his background as an Internet consultant and why January is the best month for sportsbook affiliates. |