MEMBER ACTIVITYPosts: 118Posts Per Day: 0.02 Last Activity: 22?Jul?2024 Join Date: 25?Jun?2004 | PERSONAL INFORMATIONNative Language: EnglishLocation: UK Interests: Webmaster, Continual Improvement Occupation: Webmaster |
BIOGRAPHYI always liked the idea of setting up a website after years of experience in programming in various languages, and working in Financial Systems IT for many years including SAP consultancy. For a couple of years I had been playing casinos online and built a website - as a project / hobby / something to try and well ... the site got pretty busy pretty quick and with a lot of luck and not a lot of sleep the hobby turned into something I wanted to do more of. I got bored of the office job I had and now do this full-time and still love it. I really love being able to share in the success of my sites with the many forum members that have made them such, giving lots of cash prizes every month in fun and entertaining contests. | |
GPWA TIMES MAGAZINEIt all started with a Commodore 64![]() Interview with casinocrush - Issue 11, January 2010 Hastings quit his "day job" when he realized he was earning more as an online gaming affiliate. He says the ability to teleport would be the best super power and that he's a big fan of the GPWA's "Who sent this money?" forum. |