
Mate Affiliates heading to Affiliate Meet Markt


(PRESS RELEASE) -- The Mate Affiliates team will be attending the Affiliate Meet Markt in Berlin, 26-27 October 2022, with special offers for potential affiliate partners, including super high commissions with up to 60% revenue share and the seven brands that convert across key GEOs.

Affiliate Meet Markt is expected to attract 3,000 of Europe’s best affiliates, media buyers, ecommerce entrepreneurs, social platforms, networks, traffic sources and tech suppliers that work in hyper-competitive verticals.

"A face-to-face interaction builds relationships and lays the foundation of trust, especially with new partners," said Raluca Turtica, PR Manager at Mate affiliates. "Be the next partner working with Mate Affiliates and discover the reason why we work just with the best!"

The Mate Affiliates team will be at table 1503. Stop by or book a meeting via [email protected].

Mate Affiliates heading to Affiliate Meet Markt is republished from