the site is down!
i tried to join the program got error
the site is down!
i tried to join the program got error
What site?
I'm sorry you were having a hard time accessing our site, we don't seem to be having any technical issues, here is a link to our site! https://webpartners.co/
Welcome to our programI will be more than happy to assist with anything you may need.
Cash Bonus (6 July 2018)
You should tell your webmaster that the headings on that page are overlapping, when shrinking the browser. The images shrink. You cannot shrink text. I know that from building responsive design sites. You have to find another way, like shrink the heading and keep it in the same .
Other than that your program looks great!
...like shrink the heading and keep it in the same div as its content.
It looks like your webmaster fixed the headings! Very good indeed!
Cash Bonus (12 July 2018)
Can you remove most of the blank space? Motivation: Users don't like taking 2-3 seconds to scroll for nothing.
Cash Bonus (16 July 2018)