Good program honest to affiliates, good commision.
Conversion rate sucks!
Signup rate sucks!
Landing pages sucks or none or awful!!!
Design of the site BAD.
I don't know why do you don't work on this for years?
Good program honest to affiliates, good commision.
Conversion rate sucks!
Signup rate sucks!
Landing pages sucks or none or awful!!!
Design of the site BAD.
I don't know why do you don't work on this for years?
Hi webmacho,
Thanks for you post. Sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the results. Maybe you can contact me personally and we can look how we can improve this.
On the other hand I can tell you that we are hard working on a relaunch of the bah website and I am convinced this will push the results also.
Best regards,
I'm not the expert, but what I know is that you need good usability designer for conversion expert. Landing pages and better overall design do not ever, set landing page to choose language you need better solution for that.
I´m still waiting november payment. Has someone already got that?