Wordprss 6.0 has just been released.
The new code name for Wordpress 6.0 is "Arturo".
Official wordpress announcement of the release.
I am sure many have already seen that that their wordpress sites have been upgraded to a new version.
Personally I keep automatic updates disabled, as I like to take a wait and see attitude, at least for a short time to see how many, if any, issues are discovered by others before taking the plunge.
Sometimes it may only be a case of plugins that may also need to be updated, and some times this takes a bit of time before it is discovered, and workarounds adrdessed or plugin updates to be released.
I have not seen anything yet, but it at this specific time it has only been out half a day so I will keep my eyes open.
side note: the ithemes article covers some of the new changes with screen shots in a guide format.