(Below is a modified version of our mailer sent our on the 87th)
Great news for our program! We have recently migrated to our own in-house affiliate tracking software. This is a big step forward for our program. This new software platform will allow us to offer more dynamic features in the future. Having total control of how the tracking software is reported and stored gives us the ability to add features no other affiliate program currently offers. What features do we plan on adding? Well, within the next quarter you will find out. I’m sure you’ve been aware of the changing landscape of the internet.
How users interact with the internet has changed significantly during the last 4 years. By releasing our own software we are confident we will be able to not only follow these new trends, but offer a leadership role in the live casino gaming affiliate niche.
Here are some critical points on this migration:
- You do NOT have to change affiliate links. Your previous affiliate links work. We are 100% backwards compatible with previous links.
- Content Distribution Network Acceleration: All banners both Flash and Banner Gifs both use accelerated content distribution networks. This means that our media rich banners (especially ones featuring live dealers) are delivered to your potential players on a world network, ensuring that the download times are as fast as possible.
- Redundant click and impression tracking. To make sure every click is tracked the clicks are recorded during the redirect link as well as scrubbed on the landing pages. The IP address are recorded to ensure that the clicks and impressions are not doubly recorded. Currently, the affiliate program tracks the absolute amount of clicks and impressions.
- Previous stats available here: https://legacy.livecasinopartners.com. This site has all of your previous information. You will be able to retrieve your latest affiliate earnings. Tax time is here so having your previous information is a must-have. I would like to note that migrating 2nd tier earnings from the previous IA platform to our latest in-house version was not possible (practical). If you were to log in to the new system and do a historical comparison you will find the 2nd tier earnings not reported for previous time periods.
There’s been a lot of thought out into this migration. We wanted to make sure that the transition would assure no loss in affiliate commissions. If you have any questions please feel free to email me directly at [email protected]
Any comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.