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  1. #1
    oyropa is offline Public Member
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    Default Need help , communikation problems ??? Please check my statements (Resolved)

    Hello all , i think i have communications Problem , because my english is bad .....

    İ will try to explain my Problem :

    İn end of May İ had negative TLR about -696.36 USD , after checking my stats i saw that there must be issues , after Clearing the Situation i get this Statement for May :

    Statement of Account for May 2013
    Affiliate: xxxxxx
    Current Month's Earnings: -696.36 USD
    Current Month's Sub-Affiliation Earnings: 0 USD
    Other (includes earnings of all your accounts): 1062.36 USD
    Balance of Previous Period: 0 USD

    Total Commission: 366 USD
    Withdrawal Amount: 366 USD

    I get the 366 $ in June
    İf i look into my stats for May i still see -696.36 USD TLR

    İn June there were also Little bit issues and get following Statement for June :

    Statement of Account for June 2013

    Affiliate: xxxxxx

    Current Month's Earnings: 1556.57 USD
    Current Month's Sub-Affiliation Earnings: 0 USD
    Other (includes earnings of all your accounts): 76 USD
    Balance of Previous Period: -696.36 USD

    Total Commission: 1632.57 USD

    Withdrawal Amount: 936.21 USD

    İf i get Money in June , for me the Situation is clear and i have no negative carry over , so i have to get 1632.57 USD and not 936.21 USD ????

    Do you think iam wrong ???? iam reall confused ..... could someone explain me this maybe ???


  2. #2
    EP Relations is offline Sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Dear Oyropa,

    I spoke with your Affiliate Manager and from what I understand he has been in touch with you to explain the amount you will receive this month. Basically in short your were still in negative for the amount of -696.36 USD from the previous month, You earned a total of 1632.57 USD and with the subtraction of the -696.36 USD your total will then be 936.21 USD earned and paid this month. If this is still unclear please speak with your Affiliate Manager who is more then happy to explain how we calculated this months earnings.

    The Euro Partners Team

  3. #3
    oyropa is offline Public Member
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    Robin Thx for Response ,

    but i still not understand , the substraktion of -696.36 USD was in my May Statement..... why again in my June Statement ???

  4. #4
    universal4's Avatar
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    I tend to lean toward agreeing with Oyropa on this....based solely on what has been shown by him so far.

    If in fact he earned $1062 along a negative of -$696 in May is appears to me that was PAID off in May.....since it was deducted from the $1062.

    If this amount is paid off in May why then is the negative carried forward to June? If the neg amount is to be carried forward to June then it should NOT have been deducted from May.

    Why does it appear the negative -$696 is paid twice? The negative should only be deducted ONCE not BOTH in May and June!


  5. The Following User Says Thank You to universal4 For This Useful Post:

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  6. #5
    oyropa is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    I tend to lean toward agreeing with Oyropa on this....based solely on what has been shown by him so far.

    If in fact he earned $1062 along a negative of -$696 in May is appears to me that was PAID off in May.....since it was deducted from the $1062.

    If this amount is paid off in May why then is the negative carried forward to June? If the neg amount is to be carried forward to June then it should NOT have been deducted from May.

    Why does it appear the negative -$696 is paid twice? The negative should only be deducted ONCE not BOTH in May and June!


    ...... still not understand why 2 times -$696 deducted ????

  7. #6
    oyropa is offline Public Member
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    <TABLE id=resultsTable class=tablesorter cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0><THEAD><TR><TH class="group_month first digit header">Here my Stats and Statements again :

    Stats month

    </TH><TH class="currency header">

    Top Level Revenue

    </TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR class=even><TD class=grouped_td>April, 2013 2013-04-01 </TD><TD>$868.39</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class=grouped_td>May, 2013 2013-05-01 </TD><TD>-$696.36</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD class=grouped_td>June, 2013 2013-06-01 </TD><TD>$1,556.57</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 12px; FONT-FAMILY: verdana" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=500><TBODY><TR><TD style="HEIGHT: 30px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 20px; PADDING-RIGHT: 20px">Statement of Account for April </TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 20px; PADDING-RIGHT: 20px">Affiliate: XXXXX

    Current Month's Earnings: 868.39 USD
    Current Month's Sub-Affiliation Earnings: 0 USD
    Other (includes earnings of all your accounts): 0 USD
    Balance of Previous Period: 0 USD

    Total Commission: 868.39 USD

    Withdrawal Amount: 868.39 USD

    <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 12px; FONT-FAMILY: verdana" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=500><TBODY><TR><TD style="HEIGHT: 30px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 20px; PADDING-RIGHT: 20px">Statement of Account for May 2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 20px; PADDING-RIGHT: 20px">Affiliate: XXXXX

    Current Month's Earnings: -696.36 USD
    Current Month's Sub-Affiliation Earnings: 0 USD
    Other (includes earnings of all your accounts): 1062.36 USD
    Balance of Previous Period: 0 USD

    Total Commission: 366 USD

    Withdrawal Amount: 366 USD

    <TABLE class="Table Border TableWordWrap SCX969954" border=1><TBODY class=SCX969954><TR class="TableRow SCX969954"><TD class=SCX969954 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Statement of Account for June 2013

    </TD></TR><TR class="TableRow SCX969954"><TD class=SCX969954 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Affiliate: xxxxx

    Current Month's Earnings: 1556.57 USD
    Current Month's Sub-Affiliation Earnings: 0 USD
    Other (includes earnings of all your accounts): 76 USD
    Balance of Previous Period: -696.36 USD

    Total Commission: 1632.57 USD

    Withdrawal Amount: 936.21 USD


    Why -696.36 USD are 2 times deducted ???



  8. #7
    Moonlight Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EP Relations View Post
    Basically in short your were still in negative for the amount of -696.36 USD from the previous month,

    May: $1062.36 - $696.36 (first time) = $366
    June: $1556.57 + $76 - $696.36 (second time) =$936.21

    Your program count - $696.36 twice. After May Oyropa balance must be = $0.

  9. #8
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Hello everybody,

    slow and steady wins the race. I am on vacation but allways have some minutes to help.

    I meditated on this case, and i think i know the answer to the miracle. To be shure, please Oyropa, if you read this, give me as quick as you can an answer to my PM.
    As quick wife.........lonely.........


  10. #9
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    at the end of May Oyropa have a negative balance of -$696.36.
    Because of some issues he was paid extra money of $366.
    The extra money is independent of the normal account result, that was negative.

    „Other (includes earnings of all your accounts): 1062.36 USD?/i>

    This is the point, where eyes and brain will not come together in the 1st moment, and I can understand this.

    It was the same by me.

    After all:

    (I think, for some accounting procedure) Both (-$696.36 + $366 = $1.062.36) was added together. It looks a litte bit unhappy in the 1st moment, because a postive and negative amount is added together, but I do not wish to interfere in special accounting procedures, and that is not my affair. Important is, that the correct money will be paid.

    The extra money in real was $366 and not $1.062.36.

    $1.062.36 is only a accounting result of the negative balance and the extra money.
    This extra money ($366) was paid out.
    His normal account balance is still negative at the end of May with -$696.36.
    And at the end of June the negative balance of -$696.36 from May reduced (the 1st time) the earnings of June ($1556.57 + $76 extra money - $696.36).

    Nothing bad happened. It was a communication problem as this thread was headed. Oyropa, these things happen. Worse things happen at sea. We are only human and are not infallible. The same goes for me.

    Robin, if i am wrong with my explanation, then please correct me.

    Now everybody understand, that i have to go back to my wife. It's near 8 o'clock in the evening in Germany, wonderful weather, and we have to relax.

    If anybody have a problem, whatever issues of life are at hand, then you can sent me anytime a PM or an email to info[- at -]

    I'll try to do my very best to help.


  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Roulette Zeitung For This Useful Post:

    -Shay- (15 July 2013), universal4 (15 July 2013)

  12. #10
    oyropa is offline Public Member
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    Situation cleared !!! Thank you all for your help !!! Specially Leopold and Alex !!!

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