A modern parable
A man in a hot air balloon is lost. Far below he sees a woman walking on a road and decides to decent. When he's much lower, he shouts at her: "Madam! I've promised some friends to pick them up, but I have no idea where I am right now."
The woman shouts back: "You're in a hot air balloon, about 30 feet above the ground. You're between 51 and 52 degrees northern latitude and between 5 and 6 degrees western longitude".
"You must be a computer engineer", the man shouts.
"That's right, how do you know that?", the woman replies astonished.
"Well", the man says, "You give me a perfect technical explanation, but I don't know what to do with this information and I still have no idea where I am. You didn't help me and above that you made me loose precious time".
"You are a manager, I assume?", the woman says.
"That's right, how do you know that?", answers the man.
"Well, you have no idea where you are and even less where you're heading. A huge mass of air brought you where you are right now. You made a promise to others, but don't know how to get it done and now you expect someone below you to solve this problem. You're in the same situation as you were 5 minutes ago and all of a sudden it's all my fault!".
"Depend on the rabbit's foot if you like, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit." R.E. Shay