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Well 6 months ago I was sent a listing fee of $200 from melbet, but not one transaction. I ended up getting 14 small transactions many under $10 from russia, Asia, Ukraine ext and it looked really really suspicious, I had no idea what was going on as they rolled in within 15 minutes. Not until days later did I figure out they equaled the $200.
Apparently Paypal also thought it was suspicious and locked my account that currently had 2400 in it. They then made me explain what the transactions were, and I explained in detail it was for media sale of $200 and I have no idea why they paid the way they did. One week later they closed my account and said no further communication will be permitted and this decision is Final. In 160 days I will get information on recovering my balance. Ok that sucks but it gets worse, 150 days later Paypal removed the balanace 100$ with a memo
Payment to:Paypal;PayPal's damages caused by Acceptable Use Policy violation
This was a shock, as they didn't send any email at all just removed the balance, and a quick search on this term shows many people getting balances seized, some over 200K... Paypal is Final, the money is gone, my only recourse is to get damages from Melbet and that's the path I am heading for. Sent a request to have them pay damages back they caused by doing this and I hope they make it right with actual legal actions.