Hi Poker Affiliates,

You're probably already well aware that Ladbrokes Poker has joined the Microgaming Poker Network as of yesterday, February 10th 2009.

I wanted to fill you in on some of the benefits of this change for Ladbrokes Poker affililates:

  • The only room to promote on Microgaming ?Ladbrokes will offer tables and tournaments that can only be accessed by players on Ladbrokes and one other operator ONLY up to a certain level of play.
  • Increased Liquidity ?Microgaming Poker Network is a leading poker network and together with Ladbrokes Poker Network, we will offer our players faster access to the games they want.
  • More Tournaments, More Currencies - Ladbrokes will announce an all new Multi Table Tournament Schedule, bringing greater action, better guarantees and more players at each level.
  • Increased Conversions ?Increased liquidity and more action will result in more players signing up and actually going on to deposit and play, with a direct positive effect for our affiliates.
  • A painless move ?There will not be a downside for affiliates.
  • Ring fencing/Cash game structure ?Ladbrokes will be ring fencing all players on $ tables up to $2/4 initially.
  • New great promotions ?Ladbrokespoker.com will continue to introduce new promotions and exclusive events to ensure player numbers remain high at all times.

That's a quick summary of that is going on at Ladbrokes Poker. It's all really good stuff and we hope you're as excited as we are.