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Just sharing:
Facebook has global policies relating to the promotion and facilitation of online gaming and gambling where money or money’s worth is involved.
Facebook’s Online Gaming and Gambling Advertising Policy
Ads that promote online gambling and gaming, where anything of monetary value (including cash or digital/virtual currencies, e.g. bitcoin) is required to play, and anything of monetary value forms part of the prize, are only allowed with our prior written permission. This includes games where purchases are required to continue game play and/or provide advantage in winning prizes, in cases where the prize is of monetary value. Authorized advertisers must follow all applicable laws, including targeting their ads in accordance with legal requirements. At a minimum, ads may not be targeted to people under 18 years of age.
Note: Common types of gambling or gaming activities which may require permission include betting, lotteries, raffles, casino, fantasy sports, bingo, poker, online skill-based tournaments and sweepstakes.
This policy also includes sites that contain or link to content which promotes or facilitates online gambling, for example:
- Aggregator or affiliate sites that promote online gambling.