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  1. #1
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Default EuroPartners (to promote or not)

    Quote Originally Posted by grem View Post
    Yes it might take about 2 seconds to do a search but it still doesn't really answer the question if you prefer to take things literally. Who here is working with euro partners?
    Why you ask for answers that you have given yourself before writing the words?

    Why not say quite openly that you don't like Europartners and that this is the reason you are asking for answers don't want to hear if they are not in a negative direction. I really don't understand why not.

    You have changed your review for Casino Tropez on your website (again?) on 24. October 2013.
    Now it's a kind of blacklisted article with a lot of usual hearsay. You are using a Casino Tropez article (!) to warn webmasters too!

    Before (!) it was a normal casino review. The logo and a "Visit Casino" button (not working anylonger) still exist.
    I made a backup of this page a few minutes ago because sometimes in the industry things disappeares...
    The review is partially rewritten from a normal promotion content, that it was before, and it's not the 1st time, that you...

    12 November 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Grem
    I am not aware of which top affiliates are promoting euro partners. Find me a forum or thread with affiliates who can recommend them.
    Sorry, I have to disappoint you but my family is working for Europartners successfully since many years without any payment problems until today. So i can speak for many, many years until November 29th, 2013.

    If there was a question we could call our affiliate manager or four other persons (two women, two men) or write to them. They have never refused the help and was always friendly (These both things are essential for us).

    My general opinion is: If a webmaster is unable to communicate in a professional, friendly way to build trust and mutual respect, then it's better to leave the industry because this signal to be unable to understand what harmonious and fruitful cooperation is, is immeasurable. Of course, this is also valid for every representative of an affiliate program and not only for the webmasters. I have seen so many bad examples. Webmasters and representatives. In the long run, i believe, they fail.

    People, who have not have enough spine to announce the true values of their intentions, can do what they want. Of course! But then it must be allowed to show the intentions because we all are writing for the audience. Otherwise this forum, every forum can be hide completely from the public.
    Greetings to "Popcorn" und "Caramel".


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    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    For your information:

    As you can see, my post here is an answer to this question:

    The post in this thread was removed from that linked thread and purposely isolated with a arbitrary choosen title without my agreement.

    Negative feedback from a person, WHO STARTED ASKING, feedback, that is only filled with unproofed hearsay on his page and in his post, still exist "Off-Topic" but with purpose still in the other thread.

    A moron maybe don't recognize it,

    I create screenshots of both posts i created in this area today. If they will be complete censored from the moderator like other posts in other threads yesterday here in the forum, then the relevant persons will receive at least a copy of it.

    Maybe it's now the new way of GPWA to censor or remove or manipulate positive feedback too!

    Manipulating positive feedback!

    ...with isolating it but let the posts from a well known agitator still alive and UNANSWERED in the other tread!

    This is manipulating positive feedback and it looks like, that somebody don't have his emotions under control.

    Great perfomance!


  3. #3
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    That is NOT what has taken place, and I think you are FULLY away of why the post in question was placed into the moderation que.


  4. #4
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    That is NOT what has taken place, and I think you are FULLY away of why the post in question was placed into the moderation que.

    Normally i don't speak with people who are insulting me two times (one time is free of charge) but anyway: You are in the wrong thread!
    What have "details" of the Malta posts issue to do with this Europartners thread?
    And if you have nothing to hide, then you can make public why the Malta posts "was placed into the moderation que".
    But please in the correct thread upstairs.

    I have sent a copy of the posts to Anthony.
    He is professional and friendly.

    The confidence with an interesting fact was this time on my side.

    And maybe you should do now your job and correct the manipulation of my positive feedback and place the both Off-Topic posts from grem into this thread too to make the Canada thread "clear", or can you explain why not because this was the reason you isolated my postive feedback?

    It's a simple question from a former-moderator to a moderator.

    Any more insults like in the German area don't impress me.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4
    filling the threads with all the BS is getting annoying
    This was the 2nd time. I am a professional writer in Germany, known by high quality content. You don't understand absolutely no German and have not the right to judge posts you don't understand only because of your emotions. With declaring high quality content as Bullshit without understanding the sense and the context of the words because of the language is nothing less then a personal attack, an insult on the lowest level. If you can't live with this truth, then you must report the post and delete it in one way.

    I have never insulted you.
    You have insulted me two times, and this was one time too much because you have no need to apologize.

    And i will only response until now in this thread if it belongs to Europartners.

    You will understand, that if you have written something upstairs too, i don't read it today. After submitting this post i will scroll up, log-off and shut down the computer.

    Monday or Tuesday if i call Anthony, is early enough.
    We have Advent tomorrow in Germany, and i will go to the christmas market with my wife, enjoy the day, will see a lot of friendly people, don't waste my time with reading insults from a moderator and a lot of cake is waiting for us. Monday i will write some stories i am hired for and will forget all the shame, everybody can see in this industry again and again.

    Have a nice weekend, Sir.


    -Screenshot will be created from this post-

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    I did not insult you ever many months ago that you dug up was, and I did not insult you today.

    I will refrain from commenting on that point at this time since just less than an hour ago I promised I would.

    Screenshot or not, this whole thread should likely be archived since it serves no business purpose at all.


  6. #6
    DiverF1 is offline Public Member
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    Default i dont know what to think

    work with them many years
    try to promote titanbets a little but
    at april have very strange stats and dont know what to think
    14-24 all players stop to bet - it is very hard to believe
    and no stats 30-31 at all

    is it normal, like my manager said?

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