Hey guys,

We launched www.casinosavenue.com in 2013 and are now open for a sale of the site. Here is a brief summary of what we achieved during those 5 years:

-> 100,000 monthly visitors about land-based casinos and a few about online casino games (85% from SEO).
-> 25,000 indexed pages.
-> 6 languages (EN/FR/MD/DE/ES/IT)
-> An iOS app : https://itunes.apple.com/app/casinosavenue/id1289601790
-> 2 facebook groups with real land-based casino players (targeted on USA / FR)
-> A database of 10,000+ land-based casino players (targeted on USA / FR)

You can shout me a direct email at christophe(at)casinosavenue.com if this can interest you.
