BTAG has always been a problematic AFF program to work with. Late payments, strange AFF software that rarely showed the correct numbers, AFF managers going AWOL on Skype etc. We established at some point a good contact and got paid with 45-60 days delay, not good but it was reliable for a period.
Then they fired the entire AFF team in late 2023, so no one to answer at all. I still had a finance contact but that email bounced too after some time. Thus, we got a Maltese debt collector involved and even they with their much better resources and experience, couldn't get a resolution to the case.
The MGA licence for the dozens of brands is still live, but apparently, the Winzon office in Malta is deserted. The sites themselves had a "maintenance" message last time I checked. We hunted down some other people who were involved but no reaction or result either.
They were listed mainly for their NDBs, getting us sometimes 500+ regs and 100+ FTDs per month, sometimes less. Overall, a win-win. We removed them already before they fired the AFF team as we could see things deteriorating.
If they have some kind of resurrection now, I would list them only if they paid the full outstanding balance and make a monthly prepayment of the average commission earned over the last 12 months we had them listed.
Either way, I would approach them with a rather large barge pole
EDIT: BTW, we were not "blessed" with an email from WeAreAffiliates.