Affiliate Interview Series - Håkan Karlsson - (hakank)

Age: 31
Hometown: Gustafs, Sweden
City currently residing in: Gustafs, Sweden
Favorite food: Tacos
Sites: bonusstart.com, spela-kasino.se, directory.casino-sweden.se ?and soon: online-casino-gambling.se
BonusStart.com helps players sort out the different terms and conditions that accompany all the sign-up bonus offers. When did you launch the site, and how have players responded to what you’re trying to do for them?
I launched BonusStart.com in March 2009 and I can see that visitors tend to read about the different bonuses and open an account to try them out. The sad part for me is that I don’t get the big players.
BonusStart.com is available in German, Swedish and English. We know you speak English and Swedish. Do you speak German as well? If so, when did you learn to speak it?
I don’t speak German but I do understand a word or two.
Do you work full-time as a webmaster?
When I started in this business I worked as a truck driver and had BonusStart.com as a hobby. Now I’m currently between two jobs and try to raise money in whatever way I can. So, I’m a semi-full-time webmaster... lol
You’re based in Sweden. How much of your business is focused on Sweden? How much is focused elsewhere?
BonusStart.com is a worldwide site, but Spela-Kasino.se is completely focused on Swedish players.
You are a relatively new affiliate. What problems have you encountered starting up your business, and how have you solved them?
The main problem has been to find casinos that attract players. I believe I haven’t found the best yet but the search will go on. Now I guess that I’ll be mailbombed by managers!
What is the one thing you wish you had known before becoming an online gaming affiliate?
That it would require most of my time just to update and promote the sites.
Tell us a little bit about Free Online Gambling Directory, which you started recently. Why did you start this site? Are you happy with the success it’s achieved so far? What else do you want to accomplish with this site?
I started the directory with the intention to help others build links. I know by experience that a directory is a good way to list your site and gain backlinks. This is a way for all to have a link without the need to buy an expensive one. And I’m focusing on gambling-related sites because Google likes niched directories and values a link from the same niche higher than a link from an ordinary directory. The site is just in its infancy now and hopefully will grow bigger in time.
How did you find the GPWA? How long have you been a member? Has membership helped you in any way?
I found the GPWA by pure accident when searching for affiliate programs. I started to read the open sections and decided to become a member, waited three months to be a private member and later on got my Seal of Approval. Recently Judy (casinobonusguy) and Dave (AussieDave) helped me when I was in trouble ?you can read all about it at the forum. So we’re all family in the GPWA!
How much time does it take to keep your site updated? Do you use a content management system to manage your site?
It takes between 10 and 15 hours a week to maintain all my sites. In the future I will find some easier way to do it.
What do your friends and family think of your work as an affiliate?
I think that my mother and father don’t have a clue what I’m doing with my sites. Friends do think it’s a great service, and one of my friends helps me with php coding.
What advice can you offer people who are just starting up in the industry?
Make sure that you understand that it’s not easy money. Learn SEO ?that’s very important, maybe more important than people realize. Don’t be afraid to say “No?when you get emails from affiliate managers stating that their casino is the best. Remember that it’s your decision, your site.
If you had to pick five keys to success as an affiliate, what would they be, and why?
Patience ?Success doesn’t happen over night.
Content ?Give visitors some reason to stay awhile at your site.
Design ?Same as content, an ugly site repels visitors.
Join communities ?GPWA, CAP and APCW will help you increase your knowledge of the business.
Connections ?Be friendly with other affiliates; share ideas and get feedback.
If someone were visiting you in Sweden, what’s the one place you would make sure they saw?
The Icehotel in Jukkasjarvi ?in the winter, that is: the hotel is built entirely of ice and snow. In the summertime... well, all of Sweden is beautiful so a road trip would be appropriate.
What’s your favorite vacation spot, and why?
I love the Mediterranean Sea and Mallorca is my favorite spot. I have been there a couple of times and I just love it.
What’s your favorite movie?
“The Shawshank Redemption.?This movie still gives me the chills although I’ve seen it so many times. It’s a prison movie with Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. I truly recommend that everyone see this movie.
If you could have one “super power,?what would it be, and why?
The ability to heal others; there’s so much pain in the world now. (As I am writing this the disaster in Haiti is about a week old.)
What are three things that nobody knows about you?
I’m generous, devoted and stubborn.
The Following User Says Thank You to GPWA Dan For This Useful Post:
Nice interview, enjoyed it very much.
Great interview, never thought there would be good tacos in Sweden.
Must say I do enjoy the Affiliate Interviews, a really great addition to the site. Don't ever drop it!
Love Sweden, love the street Hot Dogs!
Enough said.
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