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  1. #1
    LuckyBettors - Jamie's Avatar
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    Default Affiliate 4 you and or Marin

    I demand that you contact me at once by email [email protected].

    Please refer to this link here:

    I do not appreciate being threatened by people in your company and i am taking this matter directly to the authorities. You have threatened our lives via telephone, we have the call recorded and also have had your telephone numbers traced and are laying a complaint with the Russian and New Zealand police.

    I want you to respond at once and i strongly suggest the GPWA GET involved with this.
    Last edited by LuckyBettors - Jamie; 21 September 2011 at 7:04 am.

  2. #2
    LuckyBettors - Jamie's Avatar
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    Posted this in anger and worry. I have since spoken with Marin and he has offered an appology for what this Petr person had done. It still does not justify any company though ringing an affiliate and threatening them over the phone.

    I suggest in future you have someone represent your company that can speak english. Having someone that does not understand what english speaking people are saying is totally silly. How are we suppose to have a conversation and work issues out if we don't understand each other.

    Seems you can understand swear words clearly, so please start learning alittle more if you are going to communicate with English affiliates.

    This issue is still being looked at by the authorites here in New Zealand. They have been on the phone to a source in Russia and from what I have been told they are trying to make contact with an office in the UK.

    Marin and I have reached an agreement at this stage, I will be finalizing this agreement in writing tomorrow. In future Marin regardless if Petr works for you or not, or has invested money into your business please do not allow him to contact me ever again. I will work with you and you only in future, and if i ever receive another threat like Petr done legal action will be taken against you, Petr and your company.

    Its totally unacceptable, but i have accepted your apology. Only just. I will be in contact with you tomorrow evening and we will go from there. I still would like to discuss things with GPWA as Marin has informed me they have decided not to work with GPWA and no one here has bothered to let any of us affiliates know. According to Marin GPWA have received notification about them as well.

  3. #3
    Anthony's Avatar
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    I do know Affiliate4U has not answered or addressed several items Steven brought to them.

    I am sure we will update everyone on the situation shortly.
    I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
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