I don't want to be unfair, because I may be wrong, which is why I didnt post the name of the program in the subject matter.
I'm writing because I came across the Aff program of ACF-webmaster, and in looking the marketing materials, I came across something I didnt like at all and I don't know if anybody else has reported this -
In the Flash Demos, it has there videos that explain the user (or player) how to delete their cookies! These videos are part of group of other videos on "How to.." which I think are quite useful as tools. But when I asked if I could not include these videos, they tell me they cannot be removed! And when I ask them when they will remove them, they don't give me a straight answer which is odd.
My answer to the aff manager is that they are actually teaching their players, through OUR SITES, how to delete OUR POTENTIAL EARNINGS, by eliminating the cookies with our ID's.
This obviously doesnt seem fair to the affiliate who kicks his butt to promote their products, and these guys are teaching the users how to delete the trackers. That's like a double slap in the face.
Anyway, I may be wrong in all this, if I am, my apologies to the ACF. If I am right, well, then whoever is using their products, should think twice about promoting them.