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Without going into details as this is a public forum, I can inform you that we replied to an email earlier today to one of our affiliates which I'm assuming is StGeorge, detailing confirmation of March commission payment made on April 1, 2009 via Neteller. If this does refer to you and you have not received this payment, please contact me again by email, [email protected], thank you.
Last edited by SlotPower.com; 25 April 2009 at 11:24 am.
After speaking with a few affiliates about the current state of Absolute Slots, there seems to be some confusion as to the current status of the site.
I have NO relationship with Slotpower or their affiliate program. Slotpower has NO relationship with Absolute Slots.com. Slotpower has taken the affialites that I have worked to build and develop out from under me without notice. Without any warning or caution, like bank robbers in the middle of the night, they decided to change the name and steal affiliates and players. They were unable to take the domain name Absolute Slots so it was changed to Slotpower
I have been shocked and taken back by these revelations just as most of you have. This type of behavior should not be accepted by players or affiliates. I feel for the affiliates because they have done nothing but promote Absolute Slots and make it into a great brand, yet now they will have to change all of their banners and wonder if the tracking is working correctly.
I wish i could help and get this matter resolved but unfortunately I have been unjustly removed in dealing with affiliate matters. All i want is to make sure that all of the affiliates are taken care of and delt with in a professional manner. I would like Absolute Slots to return to the great gaming site that is was and have players and affiliates enjoy the their experiance and time at Absolute Slots. However, i am just an outsider at this point.
Thank you,
This is getting more interesting by the day.....
Gambling World Online Roulette Online Blackjack Live Online Games Sports Betting Horse Racing
Casino Affiliate Programs
Hosting and Domain Names
Gambling Industry Association
GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
We are trying to obtain reliable and constent information about what is happening based on obtaining information both from the folks that have historically run the absolute slots affiliate program and from the folks that are running the slot power website.
This post is a summary of my current understanding of the situation.
First, it is currently the case that the absoluteslots.com website is not operational, so any current affiliate links that go to that website cannot possibly track and work at this point in time.
Second, it appears to us that there is a dispute between the folks that have historically run the absolute slots affiliate program (effective media group which the Florida Secretary of State currently shows as having Lou as an officer) and the folks that hold the license and are responsible for what had been the absolute slots back-end site.
Third, we think that effective media is in control of the domain absoluteslots.com and that they have discontinued providing dns services for the website to render it inaccessible because of the current dispute.
Fourth, we think that the accounts and players that signed up through the domain absoluteslots.com retain their existing accounts and that those accounts can currently be accessed through slotpower.com, a domain controlled by the folks that hold the gaming site and back-end system licenses.
I would hope and expect that funds in the associated player accounts and affiliate earnings related to previously referred players would not be adversely effected by the current turmoil. However, since there is currently what appears to be at least an attempt at a divorce between the two parties that seems to be messy (in that it is effecting both affiliate links and site players visit to play), I personally think some degree of caution is appropriate right now.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
Bonus Paradise (25 April 2009), Dominique (25 April 2009), GamTrak (25 April 2009), HenrikGr (27 April 2009), livefree247 (27 April 2009), mojo (24 April 2009), ntaus (29 April 2009), Vrindavan (24 April 2009), wagerprofits (25 April 2009)
Good summary....
Gambling World Online Roulette Online Blackjack Live Online Games Sports Betting Horse Racing
Casino Affiliate Programs
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GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
I agree on both counts:-
1) It's a really crap name.
What is with all these Rival casinos trying to get "Slot" in their names?
I know slots are the most popular online game (pretty much all I ever play myself!), but these are still suposed to be casinos - offering ALL casino games.
2) It's bloody confusing!
(But I wouldn't mind betting Lou has something to do with all this).
I am in awe of the irony here.
Had Effective Media (run by lou/warren) been honest in the beginning that they were running the aff program for Absolute Slots the reaction here would probably be quite different. As it is, I have no intention of using Slot Power and I had taken Absolute down after we learned the truth. There was no disclosure then and there is no disclosure now. The only accuracy I see is from Michael.
The only thing that will help here is complete honesty. Mark and Ben/Lou, perhaps you could comment on the series of events that have led to this point in time. I don't think we ever got a statement and/or apology that I can recall in regards to Absolute. Affiliates are moving on in a positive way after the CAP ordeal. Why should we (or not) promote Slot Power? Why should affilates involve themselves in this mess?
I agree with you mojo.
Everyone involved with this situation (including the owners of Absolute Slots/Slot Power) was aware that we were all being deceived and had to know that it would ruin thier brand/business if the truth came out so no matter what the name or who is running what I will never promote this brand and will be removing all creatives/links as soon as I get a chance.
In this industry you are lucky to get one chance to survive and be successful by doing it the honest way. The option to get a second to deceive folks should not be available.
For the record that is the same way that I feel about CAP's current management as long as Affiliate Media (Warren's staff) is calling the shots at CAP then they don't deserve to survive either.
Robin, I have edited this post 4 times. We certainly butted heads on this matter. You insisted that there was no proof. You told everyone to forget it and 'get back to work'!
Everyone knew that! Including you. But you kept defending them. Why?Everyone involved with this situation (including the owners of Absolute Slots/Slot Power) was aware that we were all being deceived and had to know that it would ruin thier brand/business if the truth came out
Last edited by mojo; 26 April 2009 at 12:47 am.
I assume that you like butting heads with me from your post here.
I never defended anyone that I KNEW was lying and I NEVER lied about anything and you know that so stop judging me please.
I did NOTHING wrong so what is your point?
If you do not want to continue to bump heads with me then PLEASE don't involve me any more CAP related topics as I no longer mod there or trust them. I made an error in trusting them so I guess I'm not perfect, but I was LIED to and you know this!
Anyway I'm done with this topic as I'm way to busy with my GamTrak Software and new Affililiate Program to reply to posts that serve NO purpose other than to pi$$ me off so I will unsubscribe from this thread.
Have a good day.![]()
Actually, I don't believe Robin knew that at the time. She trusted those who were lying to her at the time. Later, when the evidence was crystal clear and the lies were admitted, she changed her views appropriately.
Part of the reason I was very tolerant at the time was that while I knew the underlying situation, I had not been in a position to refute those who were skeptical because much of the information I had at the time had to be kept under covers to preserve promises I had made to sources. That was a frustrating situation for me, but it was the path I had to follow at the time, because I do keep my word even when it is painful to do so.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
kwblue (27 April 2009), Nandakishore (26 April 2009)
It was indeed frustrating. However, from you first post Michael I never doubted it for a second. You stated you had proof that you couldn't share and that was good enough for me. One thing we can count on in this affiliate world is that you are a man of your word.
Due to my outspoken nature I was beat up pretty good. So were many others. But it was important to keep fighting the fight because I really think we are in a much better place now in many ways. It was very much worth it. I am grateful for your leadership to get us to this point. I want to give a big Thank You! I don't think I have said that yet.
Apparently I misread Robins post.
It appeared to me that she knew as well but I must be mistaken so apologies Robin, even though you are no longer watching this thread.
As we see here with absolute/slotpower, there are still reprocussions and fall out and probably will be for some time. At least now we are informed.
MichaelCorfman (28 April 2009)
Without those of us that demand proof be laid out in the open for everyone to see, too many times the mob mentality of situations just get very ugly and often will mask some truths and delay the process of getting to the bottom of situations.
I do hope that this did wake all of us up a bit about how much more transparent some of the business relationships should be concerning many things.
I would imagine that the reason the response was a bit slower than we would have wanted for official word coming out of the Absolute Slots/Slot Power camp was so that they could have everything in place to make the moves they were forced to make when the domain's dns was changed.
If not, and this was purely reactionary, then I might have to question why they did not forsee a problem waiting to happen since they were the only ones that knew the true structure of involvement of the parties.
I also think that the Slot Power group should surely be more apologetic for not coming to us with a plan for a resolve well in advance of this happening. (Sorry but this is my opinion)
Had they done so, they would have gained more respect for doing so, and would had salvaged much more of their reputation, which sadly now may take quite a bit of time to repair.
As it stands now, many affiliates have had to scramble to change links, change pages, adjust site navigation structures and more in a hurry to deal with the changes (in essence be forced into reactionary mode).
All in all, I think many of us have learned from this...(well I can name a few who seem to be doing "things as usual").
Last edited by universal4; 26 April 2009 at 12:21 pm. Reason: speeling
Gambling World Online Roulette Online Blackjack Live Online Games Sports Betting Horse Racing
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GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
MichaelCorfman (28 April 2009)
I would like to suggest that this thread focuses on getting Slot Power to commit to a payment plan and come clean over who owns it now.
ie. When are they going to pay outstanding commissions.
Until such time, any discussions about whether or not they should be promoted in my opinion are irrelevant.
May I also suggest that personal opinions are taken elsewhere so we can can deal with matters at hand, instead of this turning into yet another "he said she said about CAP" thread.
There is no way to ever completly remove personal opinions.
Even if a person says they will keep personal feelings and opinions out of a situation, the emotion behind their posting in the first place is usually fueled by an underlying opinion.
I often make my opinions known, have no problems telling others it is my opinion, and also have no problems with those who disagree with my opinions...
...and actually it is the true nature and history of the GPWA at it's root....
I do agree that personal opinions of the one should not outway or cloud the facts, and in reality it is the very reason I (and a few others) pushed so hard for cold hard facts about the whole CAP/EM/AM/AS/CS issues when they first came to light.
During that time frame most posts were almost completly driven by opinions and emotions...and although I had many opinions that came out in some of my posts, I kept pushing for facts which could be verified. (and was roasted a few times for doing so)
Sorry to have rambled a bit here, but I think asking for opinions to not be shared will never work, and is aa point I totally disagree with.
Gambling World Online Roulette Online Blackjack Live Online Games Sports Betting Horse Racing
Casino Affiliate Programs
Hosting and Domain Names
Gambling Industry Association
GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
mojo (2 May 2009)
Never intended to deny anyone their opinion. Quite the contrary. Just don't want to see yet another thread degenerate into a slanging match related to CAP. Quite sick of it actually.
So let me will rephrase. Let's put our energy together and make sure these people pay us. Are you OK with that?